Explore Philly’s Neighborhoods
Need another reason to love & explore Philly? This city is home to some of the most fantastic neighborhoods, each with something unique to offer its residents and visitors. If you haven’t done so yet, take the opportunity to visit the Philadelphia Neighborhoods page on visitphilly.com. The site is a great resource for finding incredible shops, restaurants, and entertainment in each area. The map below is the perfect resource for exploring options in each of the 14 neighborhoods that are showcased on the site. Click on the image below to go directly to the interactive map.
While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out Dockside’s neighborhood, Queen Village!
Have a Date Night this weekend at Ela, an elegant Queen Village Bistro, and then spend Sunday afternoon browsing the Headhouse Farmers Market which boasts more than 25 farmers and producers! For more entertainment, stop by L’Etage, a lounge on S. 6th Street that hosts dancers, cabaret artists, comedians & more. Never a dull moment here!
Happy Exploring 🙂